Society Registration

    Society Registration

    Registration of society is required to promote the fine arts, science, literature, or knowledge sharing for a purposeful matter or for charity. A society is an organization in which certain roles are carried out by a group of people with common interests. The said societies are regulated by the 1860 Societies Registration Act and the respective states are amending the said act. As per the said act, the societies are registered and regulated. Society registration is required to facilitate the exchange of fine arts, science, literature, or information for a purposeful purpose or for charity. On the other hand, for the preservation of a residential or commercial building or for the development of an apartment community, the community is often formed.

    Society compliances A Society shall, after its registration shall do the following
    • Obtain PAN card
    • Open a bank account
    • Bookkeeping and accounts
    • Annual IT filings
    • Professional tax registration, if applicable
    • Compliance with the Registrar of Firm – Filing of AGM resolution, accounts to be disclosed and member list to be filed with the Registrar of Firms.

    Society Registration Process

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      Documents Required for Society Registration in India

      FAQs for Society Registration

      The individual who marked the rundown of individuals and paid the measure of membership according to the guidelines and guidelines of society will be considered as part.

      Minimum seven people are required to form a society.

      The primary reason to shape a general public is social government assistance like advancement of schooling, wellbeing, work in the public arena and so forth Society enrollment will be treated as an NGO under the social orders enlistment act, 1860.

      The society can do all the acts of trusts. There is no requirement to convert the society into a trust.

      Social orders are comparative in character to trusts, despite the fact that there a couple of basic contrasts. At the point when we talk about enrollment, just 2 individuals will be permitted to frame a trust while in the public eye, least 7 individuals are required.