Let’s try and understand the types of business structures available in India. Here is a list of some of them:registration for company

– Proprietorship Registrationregistration for company

– LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)registration for company

– OPC (One Person Company)registration for company

– Private Limited Company (Pvt. Ltd)

– Public Limited Company (Ltd Company)

Details of the above structuresregistration for company

Proprietorship Registrationregistration for company

By Taking GST Registration or Shop Act, You Can Register Your Proprietorship.

LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)registration for company

There is a minimum of 2 partners in LLP. LLP register under LLP act 2008. Department of LLP register is MCA (Ministry of corporate affairs)

OPC (One Person Company)registration for company

OPC Means One Person Company. In OPC Company Registration There Is Only One Person as Member. But you have to appoint One nominee, who becomes the owner on the death of a Member. Department of OPC (One person company) register is MCA (Ministry of corporate affairs)

Private Limited Company (Pvt. Ltd)registration for company

In a private limited company minimum of 2 shareholders/members. Maximum 200 members. There are restrictions in private limited companies for the transfer of shares. It can transfer shares to its members. A private limited company has a minimum of 2 Directors. Maximum 15 Directors. We can appoint a director of more than 15 by passing Special Resolution (S/R). Private limited company name ends with Private limited (Pvt ltd.). Department of Private Limited Company register is MCA (Ministry of corporate affairs)

As per Companies Act 2013 means a company having a minimum paid-up share capital as may be prescribed, and which by its articles:registration for company

(I) restricts the right to transfer its shares;

(ii) except in case of One Person Company, limits the number of its members to two hundred 200.

(iii) prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any securities of the company;

-Public Limited Company (Ltd. Company)

In Public Limited Company minimum 7 shareholder/members. No limitation on maximum members. There are no restrictions in Public Limited Company for transfer of shares. It can transfer shares to any person. Public Limited Company has a minimum of 3 Directors. Maximum 15 Directors. We can appoint a director of more than 15 by passing Special Resolution (S/R) Public Limited CompanyName ends with word limited (Ltd.). Department of Public Limited Company register is MCA (Ministry of corporate affairs)registration for company

As per the Companies Act, 2013 public company means a company which

(a) is not a private company and;

(b)  has a minimum paid-up share capital as may be prescribed:

company consultant helps you in all of the above legalities either free of cost or pocket-friendly way.